Our Favorite Play Dough Recipe
Our Easiest Playdough Recipe
One of Maddison’s favourite things to do is play with play dough, she will sit for hours squishing and squashing the stuff.
As an adult the smell reminds me of my childhood and all the fun I had making little worlds and stories out of play dough.
Play dough is great for kids of all ages as it helps to develop fine motor skills, pre-writing skills, social skills, imagination, developing hand-eye coordination and is great for a stress relief and calming activity.
Below is my favourite recipe that i use on the stove top and some ideas that we have used with our play dough to make it more interesting and educational.
- 2 cups plain flour
- 4 tbs Cream of Tartar
- 2 Tbs cooking oil
- 1 cup salt
- Food colouring
- 2 cups cold water
Cooking on Stove
Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and stir continuously over medium heat for 3-5 minutes, until the mixture congeals and is not sticky.
Cool slightly, remove from pan and knead until smooth.
Microwave Instructions:
Mix all ingredients well in a microwave-safe, large bowl.
Microwave for 2 minutes.
Carefully remove and stir well.
Microwave for 1 minute and 30 seconds.
Carefully remove and stir well.
Microwave for 1 minute.
Carefully remove and stir well.
Microwave for 30 seconds.
Mixture should be congealed and not sticky.
Allow to cool slightly, then knead until smooth.
Ideas for Play Dough
- Making snakes, snails and balls
- Letter stamping or sight word stamping activities
- Using googly eyes to make monsters
- Use toothpicks to make echidna’s
- Poke spaghetti into the play dough and use fruit loops to count
- Pop sticks, marbles and sequins
- Nature play items (leaves, sticks, rocks and nuts)
- Letter and number writing by rolling snakes and forming each number or letter
- Candles into play dough for birthday cake play
- Use beads and pipe cleaners
- Make leaf prints into play dough
- Cookie cutters
Find more recipes from our blog
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Author - Jodie Lowen
Jodie Lowen is the owner of Wheatbelt Kids and a mother of two. She lives in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia and has worked in education for many years. Jodie is passionate about social media marketing and using online platforms to build community connections.