Bakers Hill
Visit Bakers Hill
Famous for Home Baked Pies
Bakers Hill is located 73 kilometres east of Perth, Western Australia along the Great Eastern Highway.
The town is within the Shire of Northam, between Wundowie and Clackline.
Great Eastern Highway is a 590-kilometre-long road that runs through the heart of Bakers Hill and links the Western Australian capital of Perth with the city of Kalgoorlie.
Things to do in Bakers Hill
- Visit the Home Bake Shop
- Golf
- Walking Trails
- Summer Creek Restaurant and Brewery
- Bakers Hill Tavern and Restaurant
- Bakers Hill Recreation Centre
- Clackline Lion Monument
- Clackline Bridge
- Clackline Refractory
- Clackline Rail Heritage Sites
School Aged Activities
Avon Valley Shotokan Inc
Karate lessons for all ages
Clackline -
Mondays from 4pm and
Fridays from 5:30pm
Toodyay -
Wednesdays from 4pm
Email Avon Valley Shotokan
Bakers Hill Junior Golf Club
Junior Golf 5-18 years
Saturdays 8.30am at the Bakers Hill Golf Course
Runs in the second and third school terms
Email Bakers Hill Junior Golf
Bakers Hill Netball Club
Bakers Hill Recreation Centre
Email Bakers Hill Netball Club
Green Gables Stables
108 Koojedda road , Bakers Hill
9590 1256
Email Green Gables Stables
Education and Childcare
Bakers Hill Primary School
33 St George Street
Bakers Hill WA 6562
(08) 9574 3100
Email Bakers Hill PS
Bakers Hill Out Of School Care
33 St George Street
Bakers Hill WA 6562
0419 438 946
Bakers Hill Parks & Facilities
Hooper Park
Hooper Park is located along Great Eastern Highway. It has an Information Bay, toilets, shady seating and barbeque facilities. It is great as a rest stop for travellers with kids and dogs as there is open space to play or explore.
The Bakers Hill Pie Shop and Cafe are nearby for food and drinks.
St George Street Park
St George Street Park is next to the Bakers Hill Recreation Centre, it offers swings, seesaw and a small playground with slide, climbing ladders and flying fox.
The St George Street Park is next to the Bakers Hill Oval, Tennis courts, Golf course and Recreation Centre which have toilet facilities, BBQ and water fountain. Public toilets are located in Hooper Park on the Highway.