The town of York is located 97 kilometres east of Perth, Western Australia.
The Hub offers services for families with children aged 0-5 years in York and operates out of the old York Bowling Club on Forrest Road, York.
Currently the hub accommodates the following services:
– York Family Playgroup
– York Toy Library
York Early Years Hub, Forrest st
Mondays and Fridays from 9.00am to 11.00am
Julie-Anne Elkins president
StoryTime is a free activity for pre-kindy aged children and is a great opportunity to do craft, listen to a story and make friends.
Tuesdays at 9.30am and runs during school terms time.
9641 2233
Friday Nights - 6pm - 8pm Old Rec Centre
Shane 0447 199 978
Email York and Districts Archery Club
0449 678 840
York Hockey Club, Forrest Street
Email York Hockey Club
PO Box 494 York
Leah 0419 628 663
Email York Junior Football Club
Email York Junior Netball Club
Forrest Street York Australia WA 6302
Rally days - 3rd Sunday of Month Pony Club Grounds Committee Meeting 1st Wednesday of Month 7pm - 9pm Pony Club House
Email York Pony Club
Georgiana Street
Email York Swimming Club
2 Trews Rd, Daliak WA 6302
Kindergarten – Year 10
Email York DHS
9641 3100
195 Avon Terrace
Hours: 7.30am - 5.30pm
9641 1898
Avon Park is located on Lowe Street which runs along the Avon River in York.
The playground has recently been redeveloped (2020) and includes a new skate park, nature playground for various age groups, a flying fox, three swings, water play and lots more seating.
There are free barbeque facilities and picnic tables in the park. Toilet facilities are also available.